Find a USSVI Member 


Interior communications  


 Access to addresses and phone numbers is protected by PASSWORDS only given to USSVI members

 Last name  
  * you must enter at least 1 letter here
# Members: 12,159
# with E-mail: 11,107

# Life Members: 7,974
# Associate Members: 675
# Holland Club: 7,380
Tips for using FIRST or NICKNAME in a search  First / Nickname
Tips for using RATE in a search  City
Tips for using STATE in a search  State
Tips for using BASE in a search  Base
Tips for using SHIPS in a search  Boats
   examples: SS-385 (or just 385), AS-32, etc.
NOTE: you can click the FIND A BASE or BOATS & CREW buttons on the HOME page
to list MEMBERS of any base or the CREW of any boat you served on.
This FIND A MEMBER search is provided to help you quickly find a member, not to list all members
Therefore, to prevent bogging down the website with huge searches that lists all members you must
search for something, such entering a few characters in last name or city, pick a state or a base.
Hint - enter just a few characters in any field (box) to list all records that start with those characters