Today In History 

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Today In History - March 13th
(click on a Submarine's Name & Hull# to see it's profile & history)

Monday, March 13, 1916   USS E-2 (Sturgeon) (SS-25) :  E-2 was placed out of commission for use as a laboratory, for exhaustive tests of the Edison storage battery.
Friday, March 13, 1942   USS Permit (SS-178) :  Permit sank the scuttled PT-32 of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Three.
Friday, March 13, 1942   USS Sculpin (SS-191) :  Sculpin departed Fremantle, Australia on her 3rd war patrol in the Banda Sea area.
Friday, March 13, 1942   USS Gar (SS-206) :  Gar torpedoed and sank the 1520 ton cargo ship Chichiubu Maru.
Saturday, March 13, 1943   USS Gudgeon (SS-211) :  Gudgeon departed on her 7th war patrol.
Monday, March 13, 1944   USS Swordfish (SS-193) :  Swordfish put to sea for her 11th war patrol, conducted in the Marianas Islands. Although several enemy ships were damaged during this patrol, no sinkings could be confirmed.
Monday, March 13, 1944   USS Sand Lance (SS-381) :  (Cont'd.) At least 2 of the ships went to the bottom, light cruiser Tatsuta and cargoman Kokuyo Maru, carrying over 1,000 enemy troops. For her success, Sand Lance underwent a 16- hour, 100 depth charge pounding from the accompanying destroyers.
Monday, March 13, 1944   USS Sand Lance (SS-381) :  Sand Lance came up to periscope depth and found herself in the midst of a Japanese convoy, consisting of 5 merchantmen and 3 heavily armed warships. Sand Lance had only six torpedoes remaining, but she made them count.
Tuesday, March 13, 1945   USS Crevalle (SS-291) :  Crevalle put to sea on her 6th war patrol from Pearl Harbor, HI. Cruising in the East China Sea, she took up a lifeguard station during air strikes preparing for the Okinawa invasion.
Wednesday, March 13, 1946   USS R-13 (SS-90) :  R-13 was sold for scrap.
Wednesday, March 13, 1946   USS R-20 (SS-97) :  R-20 was sold for scrap to Macey O. Scott of Miami, FL.
Saturday, March 13, 1993   USS Montpelier (SSN-765) :  Commissioned with CDR. Victor Fiebig in command.