Year | Date | Historical Events |
1982 | Feb 11 | Contract awarded to the Electric Boat Co., Groton, CT |
1984 | Sep 24 | Keel laid down by the Electric Boat Co., Groton, CT. |
1985 | Dec 14 | Launched. |
1986 | Nov 8 | Commissioned with CAPT. Charles E. Ellis in command. Louisville serves as a trials platform for the prototype BQQ-10 ARCI sonars, which incorporate off-the-shelf computer components, allowing easy introduction of modular upgrades.
1987 | Jan 1 | Louisville transited the Panama Canal, to make her home base at Point Loma Naval Station in San Diego, CA. as a part of COMSUBRON 11.
| Jan 1 | (Cont'd.) During her stay at San Diego, CA., Louisville conducted several WestPac tours. During her 1988-89 WestPac Louisville visited Korea, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines and Guam. |
1991 | Jan 1 | In January and February 1991, as Operation Desert Storm began, Louisville carried out the first war patrol conducted by an American submarine since World War II. |
| Jan 1 | (Cont'd.) The patrol began with a 14,000-mile submerged, high-speed transit across the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. |
| Jan 19 | Louisville launched Tomahawk cruise missiles against targets in Iraq,the first submarine to launch Tomahawks in combat, as well as having fired the first warshot of Desert Storm. For this war patrol, Louisville was awarded the Navy Unit Commendation. |
1992 | Jul 1 | Louisville became the first attack submarine to work up and deploy with a carrier battle group in the Pacific.
2008 | Sep 25 | Louisville is still on active duty, homeported in Pearl Harbor, HI. |