Year | Date | Historical Events |
1941 | Nov 10 | Keel laid down by the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA. |
1942 | Jun 30 | Launched. |
| Sep 1 | Commissioned with LCDR. Elton Watters Grenfell in command.
| Dec 12 | Following shakedown training out of California ports, Tunny arrived in the Hawaiian Islands. |
1943 | Jan 12 | Tunny departed Pearl Harbor, HI. on 1st war patrol. |
| Jan 26 | Tunny opened fire on a 400 ton trawler with her deck gun. Soon, darkness forced her to discontinue the attack, and she continued on her way.
| Jan 29 | Tunny began patrolling off Formosa. |
| Jan 31 | Tunny sighted a freighter, the Takao Ko. Tunny fired 2 "fish" from her bow tubes, but the freighter made a radical change of course which enabled her to evade the torpedoes. |
| Feb 1 | Tunny set her course for the China Coast. |
| Feb 3 | (Cont'd.) After dark, while patrolling Lema Channel, Tunny made radar contact with a sizable target. She fired 3 torpedoes. The target's sacrews ceased immediately. Tunny claimed to have sunk this unidentified ship. |
| Feb 3 | Tunny fired several torpedoes at a loaded tanker. The torpedoes either missed the target or failed to detonate after hitting the target. |
| Feb 4 | Tunny set her course for Swatow. |
| Feb 8 | Tunny sank the Kusayama Maru, a heavily laden cargo ship, scoring her first confirmed kill. |
| Feb 9 | Tunny sighted a large transport. Undetected by 2 nearby patrol vessels and a plane, she made her approach and scored two hits on the transport with her remaining torpedoes. However, the ship did not sink and later left the area.
| Feb 11 | Tunny set her course for Midway Island. Enroute, she used a combination of 20 millimeter and five-inch gunfire to sink a 100 ton fishing trawler. |
| Feb 20 | Tunny moored at Midway Island, completing her first aggressive and successful patrol. She later continued on to Hawaii. |
| Feb 24 | Tunny returned to Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Mar 18 | After refitting by the tender Sperry (AS-12) and three days of training, Tunny departed the Hawaiian Islands on her 2nd war patrol, and paused at Midway Island for replacement of her periscope. |
| Mar 24 | Tunny got underway for Wake Island. |
| Mar 27 | Tunny came upon a cargo ship. She launched her attack, firing 2 torpedoes from a range of 700 yards. The 1st found it's mark and blew the stern off the enemy ship, but the buoyancy of the lightly loaded vessel kept it afloat. |
| Mar 31 | Tunny entered her patrol area in the Carolines and conducted submerged patrols off North Pass Island, Truk. |
| Apr 2 | Tunny set course for the channel between Puluwat Island and Pulap Island. Tunny made radar contact with a ship dead ahead. Heading in for a flank attack, she sighted a Momo class destroyer 1,000 yards astern of her chosen target. Tunny fired 3 torpedoes. |
| Apr 2 | (Cont'd.) Tunny started up to take a look, she was jolted by a deep set depth charge which caught her at 260 feet, but caused only minor damage—a small price to pay for the sinking of Toyo Maru Number 2. |
| Apr 4 | Tunny headed West to intercept traffic reported North of McLaughlin Bank. |
| Apr 7 | Tunny fired 2 torpedoes at the Kosei Maru, an 8000 ton passenger-cargo ship, scoring a hit amidships and one aft. Having added a 3rd cargo ship to her list of kills, Tunny retired from the scene of the attack.
| Apr 8 | Tunny surfaced in a downpour to continue patrols North of West Fayu Island. Later that day, she set her course to intercept a convoy reported to be Southwest of Truk. |
| Apr 9 | Tunny made radar contact with a formation less than 3 miles distant. It was a large aircraft carrier, 2 auxiliary carriers and 2 destreoyers. She fired 4 torpedoes from her stern tubes at one of the auxiliary carriers. |
| Apr 9 | (Cont'd.) Tunny released a salvo of 6 torpedoes from her bow tubes at the large carrier. Later, examination of Japanese records showed that this attack was ruined by prematures and duds, and that damage to the enemy had been minor. |
| Apr 10 | Tunny surfaced and set her course to return to her patrol area. |
| Apr 11 | Tunny fired her 3 remaining forward "fish" at the Japanese submarine I-9, only to see the vessel turn away and parallel the course of the torpedoes. |
| Apr 15 | Tunny set a course for Saipan, Mariana Island, discovered 2 cargo ships in Garapan Harbor, departed the area. |
| Apr 23 | Tunny moored in the lagoon at Midway Island for a welcomed rest. |
| May 25 | After refitting at Midway and repairs in Hawaii, Tunny got underway on her 3rd war patrol for Eniwetok. |
| May 31 | Tunny dove to avoid a radar contact. At 300 ft., a bomb expolded over her after torpedo room, breaking lights and thermometers, flooding the after torpedo tubes. |
| Jun 6 | Tunny moved on to her assigned area of Truk. |
| Jun 14 | Tunny fired 4 torpedoes at a transport. 3 explosions and a tremendous cloud of smoke and water over the target indicated that Tunny had damaged the enemy vessel. |
| Jun 26 | Tunny conducted routine and photographic reconnaissance of Saipan Harbor and Tinian Channel and, later that day, surfaced to patrol the Truk-Empire shipping lanes East of Rota Island. |
| Jun 28 | Tunny sighted a converted gunboat zigzagging madly, went to battle stations, and dispatched the enemy vessel with a salvo of 3 torpedoes from 1,500 yards. Seconds later, 2 heavy explosions marked the death throes of Tunny's most recent victim. |
| Jul 11 | Tunny took on fuel and provisions at Johnston Island. |
| Jul 14 | Tunny completed her 3rd patrol at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Aug 5 | After refitting and 3 days of training, Tunny departed Pearl Harbor, HI. on her 4th war patrol, for Midway Island. |
| Aug 9 | Tunny arrived at Midway Island. |
| Aug 10 | Tunny departed Midway Island. |
| Aug 18 | Tunny sighted Pagan Island and Alamagan Island, |
| Aug 22 | Tunny entered her assigned area in the Palau Islands and began patrols. |
| Aug 24 | Tunny sighted a 6 ship convoy as it emerged from Toagel Mlungui Pass. Tunny trailed the convoy until she could obtain a good firing position. |
| Aug 25 | At moonrise, Tunny submerged to 40 feet and began her approach. she fired 3 torpedoes and then another 2 in rapid succession. She heard her torpedoes explode at the end of their run. Tunny made another attack, launching 6 torpedoes at ships of the convoy |
| Aug 26 | Tunny spotted 2 vessels with a submarine chaser escort approaching Toagel Mlungui Pass and launched a 5 torpedo attack. |
| Aug 29 | Tunny departed her patrol area leaving these hunting grounds to other submarines in better condition. |
| Sep 8 | Tunny moored at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Sep 11 | After a preliminary assessment of battle damage, Tunny departed Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Sep 17 | Tunny arrived at Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, CA., for overhaul and repairs. |
1944 | Feb 2 | Tunny departed the West Coast. |
| Feb 7 | Tunny stopped at Milne Bay. |
| Feb 9 | Tunny returned to Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Feb 27 | Tunny departed Pearl Harbor, HI. for her 5th war patrol. |
| Mar 2 | Tunny stopped at Midway Island. |
| Mar 3 | Tunny got underway for the Palau Islands. |
| Mar 15 | Tunny entered her patrol area. |
| Mar 22 | Tunny's radar picked up what proved to be a large convoy. Choosing 2 heavily loaded cargo ships for her targets, she launched a 6 torpedo attack and heard or observed hits on both. Tunny fired 4 Mark 18 torpedoes at a destroyer. |
| Mar 23 | Tunny picked up a radar contact which she identified by sight as a large I-class submarine. Tunny fired 4 torpedoes from a range of 1,900 yards. Tunny surfaced and cleared the area, but I-42 had met her end.
| Mar 29 | Tunny observed a large number of small vessels leaving Malakal Harbor, none worth an attack. Late in the afternoon, a larger formation appeared: the 63,000-ton battleship Musashi, the light cruiser Oyodo, and 3 destroyers. |
| Mar 29 | (Cont'd.) Tunny fired 6 torpedoes at the battleship from her bow tubes. Hits by 2 of Tunny's torpedoes had damaged but failed to slow the powerful battleship.
| Mar 30 | Tunny arrived on station to begin lifeguard duties for the Fifth Fleet's air attack on the Palau Islands. |
| Apr 2 | Tunny departed the Palau Islands. |
| Apr 11 | Tunny arrived in Australia. She received the Presidential Unit Citation for this patrol.
| Apr 29 | Following refit, Tunny departed Brisbane on her 6th war patrol and set her course for New Guinea. She underwent voyage repairs at Milne Bay, then proceeded via Langemak Bay to her patrol area in the Mariana Islands. |
| May 11 | Tunny arrived in the patrol area and, in the days that followed, encountered many enemy planes as she patrolled off Saipan and Guam.
| May 17 | Tunny received a report from submarine Sand Lance (SS-381) of a convoy in the area and set out to intercept it. The convoy consisted of 3 cargo ships escorted by a like number of destroyers. |
| May 17 | (Cont'd.) Tunny made her approach; launched a spread of 3 torpedoes at the second ship of the column; then rapidly fired 3 more at the last cargo ship. Tunny observed that a hit had left the last ship of the column down by the stern. |
| May 17 | (Cont'd.) Tunny withdrew to the Southeast, having scored her 6th kill of the war, a 4900-ton cargo ship, the Nichiwa Maru. |
| Jun 8 | Tunny rendezvoused with submarines Pilotfish (SS-386) and Pintado (SS-387)to form a coordinated attack group, the "Blair Blasters." The 3 submarines formed a scouting line for a patrol across the Western Pacific to the South China Sea. |
| Jun 14 | Tunny passed through Balintang Channel. |
| Jun 14 | Tunny sighted Luzon, Philippines. |
| Jun 16 | While returning through Balintang Channe, Tunny made a surface approach on a small sampan and sank it with gunfire. |
| Jun 29 | Tunny fueled at Midway Island, then proceeded to Oahu, Hawaii. |
| Aug 4 | Tunny departed Pearl Harbor, HI. on her 7th war patrol, as a member of a coordinated attack group called "Ed's Eradicators". With wolf pack members Barb (SS-220) and Queenfish (SS-393), she set her course, via Midway Island, for the South China Sea. |
| Aug 25 | Tunny arrived in her patrol area. |
| Sep 17 | Tunny completed this patrol at Pearl Harbor, HI.
| Sep 20 | Tunny departed Oahu, Hawaii for California. |
| Sep 26 | Tunny arrived at Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard, San Francisco, CA. for battle damage repairs and an overhaul. |
1945 | Jan 15 | Tunny returned to Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Feb 3 | Tunny departed Pearl Harbor, HI., on her 8th war patrol. |
| Feb 14 | Tunny entered Tanapag Harbor, Saipan, and moored to the submarine tender Fulton (AS-11) for repairs to her main engine. Later in the month, she conducted sonar tests out of that port. |
| Mar 5 | Tunny departed Saipan and, in the days that followed, was slowed by heavy seas as she proceeded to her patrol area in the Ryukyu Islands.
| Mar 13 | On 13 March and 14 March, Tunny conducted a special reconnaissance mission off the Nansei Shoto in preparation for landings planned for Okinawa on 1 April. |
| Mar 14 | Tunny plotted over 230 mines which she detected on sonar as she traveled through the hazardous waters at 150 feet. |
| Mar 15 | All hands breathed a sigh of relief as Tunny got underway for her patrol area, her special mission safely and successfully completed.
| Mar 18 | Her pursuit of a distant convoy ended in disappointment, when a change of course allowed the cargo ships and their escort to slip away from Tunny around sunset. |
| Mar 23 | Tunny took up a lifeguard station. As the month drew to its close, Tunny rescued two fliers from the aircraft carrier Intrepid (CV-11) and one from the Bennington (CV-20) as those ships took part in the assault on Okinawa.
| Apr 1 | Tunny completed her lifeguard duties and set her course for Midway Island. Enroute, she sank a 200 ton lugger with her deck gun. |
| Apr 14 | Tunny arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| May 14 | Following refitting and a week of sonar and approach training, Tunny departed Pearl Harbor, HI. for her ninth and last war patrol. |
| May 28 | Tunny got underway from Guam, Mariana Island, after stopping for repairs and additional sonar exercises. Together with submarines Skate (SS-305) and Bonefish (SS-223), Tunny formed the second group of "Hydeman's Hellcats" known as "Pierce's Polecats." |
| Jun 9 | Tunny attacked a cargo vessel. One torpedo hit the enemy vessel with a thud but failed to explode, and Tunny discontinued the attack. |
| Jul 6 | Tunny arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Dec 13 | Tunny was decommisasioned at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA., and placed in the Mare Island Group, 19th Fleet. |
1952 | Feb 28 | Communist aggression in Korea placed new demands on the resources of the Navy and led to Tunny's being placed "In Commission", "In Reserve". |
| Apr 1 | Tunny was decommissioned. |
1953 | Apr 6 | Tunny was placed in commission for the 3rd time. Converted to carry guided missiles, she was reclassified with hull identification symbol SSG-282 and served as a Regulus missile submarine for nearly 12 years. |
| Apr 6 | (Cont'd.) For the first 4 of those years, she operated out of Port Hueneme, CA., contributing to the development of the Regulus missile system. |
1957 | Jun 15 | Tunny shifted her base of operations to Hawaii where she conducted deterrent patrols and fired exercise missiles.
1959 | Oct 23 | Tunny departed on the 1st Northern Patrol, also known as: "Regulus Submarine Strategic Deterrent Patrol" |
| Dec 16 | Tunny returned from the 1st Northern Patrol. |
1960 | Apr 22 | Tunny departed on the 2nd Northern Patrol |
| Jun 17 | Tunny returned from the 2nd Northern Patrol |
| Jul 14 | Tunny departed on the 3rd Northern Patrol |
| Sep 12 | Tunny returned from the 3rd Northern Patrol |
1961 | Jul 23 | Tunny departed on the 4th Northern Patrol |
| Sep 28 | Tunny returned from the 4th Northern Patrol |
| Nov 4 | Tunny departed on the 5th Northern Patrol |
1962 | Jan 2 | Tunny returned from the 5th Northern Patrol |
| Aug 24 | Tunny departed on the 6th Northern Patrol |
| Oct 29 | Tunny returned from the 6th Northern Patrol |
1963 | Jan 12 | Tunny departed on the 7th Northern Patrol |
| Mar 15 | Tunny returned from the 7th Northern Patrol |
| Jul 13 | Tunny departed on the 8th Northern patrol |
| Oct 3 | Tunny returned from the 8th Northern patrol |
1964 | Feb 10 | Tunny departed on the 9th (and last) Northern Patrol |
| Apr 11 | Tunny returned from the 9th (and last) Northern Patrol |
1965 | May 1 | The Regulus missile system was phased out, and Tunny was redesignated with hull identification symbol SS-282. She remained in the Hawaiian operating area until the end of the year, conducting training exercises and providing various other services. |
1966 | Jan 1 | Tunny was converted to a troop carrying submarine and redesignated with hull identification symbol APSS-282. |
1967 | Feb 1 | Tunny began missions in unconventional warfare, operating off the coast of Vietnam. She conducted reconnaissance in preparation for amphibious assault operations and gathered navigational and oceanographic information. |
1968 | Jan 1 | Tunny was reclassified with hull classification symbol LPSS-282. |
1969 | Jun 28 | Tunny was decommissioned. |
| Jun 30 | Tunny was struck from the Naval Register. |
1970 | Jun 19 | Tunny was sunk as a target. |