Year | Date | Historical Events |
1942 | Jun 10 | Keel laid down by the Cramp Shipbuilding Co., Philadelphia, PA. |
1943 | Apr 18 | Launched by Cramp Shipbuilding Co., Philadelphia, PA. |
1944 | Jun 2 | Commissioned with CDR. W. J. Millican in command.
| Sep 18 | Escolar departed Pearl Harbor, HI. on her 1st war patrol. |
| Sep 22 | After topping off fuel at Midway, Island, Escolar joined Croaker (SS-246) and Perch (SS-313) for a coordinated war patrol in the Yellow Sea which she directed. (Exact date unknown) |
| Sep 30 | Escolar engaged a small craft in a surface gun action, and reported to her sisters that she was undamaged, without mentioning what her gunfire had done to the enemy ship. |
| Nov 27 | Escolar's last communication was with Perth on 17 October- she was never heard from again. It is assumed that she struck a mine and sank with all hands. 82 men lost. |