Year | Date | Historical Events |
1958 | May 28 | Keel laid down at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME. |
1960 | Jul 9 | Launched. |
1961 | Aug 3 | Commissioned with CDR. Dean W. Axene in command.
| Sep 18 | Took part in Nuclear Submarine Exercise (NUSUBEX) 3-61 off the northeastern coast of the US after trials. |
| Nov 29 | Returned to Portsmouth after conducting further trails and test-firing her torpodo system while cruising along the southern eaast coast. |
1962 | Mar 1 | Participated in NUSUBEX 2-62 an exercise designed to improve the tactical capabilities of nuclear submarines and in antisubmarine warfare training with Tash Group ALPHA. |
| Nov 1 | While in Port Canaveral, FL, she was accidentally struck by a trug which damaged one of her ballast tanks. She had repairs done at Electric Boat Co., Gorton, CT and returned south for more tests and trials off Key West. |
1963 | Apr 10 | Rescue ship RECOVERY (ARS-43) recovered bits of debris. Photographs taken by the TRIESTE proved that she had broken up, taking all hands on board to their deaths in 1,400 fathoms of water, some 220 miles east of Boston. |
| Apr 10 | Garbled transmission indicated that thing were going wrong. Suddenly, listners heard a noise "like air rushing into an air tank" - then silence. Efforts to reestablish contact with her failed, and a search group was formed. |
| Apr 10 | Thresher was lost while conducting sea trials off the New England coast. Probably due to a catastrophic flooding casualty. 129 men lost. |
| Apr 10 | Put to sea with Skylark (ASR-20) for deep-diving exercises. She had on board 16 officers, 96 enlisted men and 17 civilian technicians. 15 minutes after reaching her assigned test depth, she communicated with the rescue ship of difficulties. |