Year | Date | Historical Events |
| | Torsk made rendezvous with submarines Sand Lance (SS-381) and Cero (SS-225). For more than a fortnight, their careful coverage of the East Coast of Honshu turned up nothing more interesting than naval mines.
1944 | Jun 7 | Keel laid by the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME. |
| Sep 6 | Launched. |
| Dec 16 | Commissioned with CDR. Bafford E. Lewellen in command.
1945 | Feb 16 | Torsak arrived Port Everglades, FL. after training out of Portsmouth,NH., Newport, RI., and New London, CT. She provided services for antisubmarine research. |
| Feb 20 | Torsk departed Port Everglades, FL., transited the Panama Canal, and headed for Hawaii. |
| Mar 23 | Torsk reached Pearl Harbor, HI. After a repair and training period, she got underway from Pearl Harbor, HI. for her first war patrol. |
| May 11 | Torsk paused briefly at Guam, Mariana Island enroute to an area off Kii Suido where she began lifeguard duty. Toward midnight on 11 May, she set course for her patrol area off the Northeastern coast of Honshu. |
| May 13 | Torsk arrived in her area and, for 2 days, attempted to contact other members of the wolf pack, "Lewellen's Looters." |
| May 16 | Torsk made rendezvous with th submarines Sand Lance (SS-381) and Cero (SS-225). For more than a fortnight, their careful coverage of the East Coast of Honshu turned up nothing more interesting than naval mines.
| Jun 1 | Torsk returned to Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Jun 2 | While patrolling between Honshu and Hokkaido, Torsk came upon a small coastal minelayer.She fired 6 torpedoes which the small vessel avoided by maneuvering. |
| Jun 4 | While patrolling off Kobe Saki, Torsk fired 4 torpedoes at a 700 ton freighter without scoring. |
| Jul 17 | Torsk began her 2nd war patrol after refit and installation of new equipment. |
| Aug 2 | Torsk spent the first 2 days of August at Guam, Mariana Island, and set her course for the Sea of Japan.
| Aug 10 | Torsk passed through the minefields of Tsushima Strait. |
| Aug 11 | Torsk rescued 7 Japanese merchant seamen who had survived the sinking of the Koue Maru some 4 days before. |
| Aug 12 | Torsk made a submerged periscope attack which sank a small coastal freighter off Dogo Island.
| Aug 13 | While patroling off Ando Saki, Torsk sighted a small freighter which she sank. She made an unsuccessful attack on a cargo ship then dodged through a 75 boat fishing fleet and outdistanced the Maru's escort. |
| Aug 14 | Torsk sighted a medium cargo ship. As the freighter and her escort approched Kasumi Ko, she launched 1 of the experimental Mark 28 torpedoes at the escort ship. The fish found it's mark, bending the stern up at a 30 degree angle and she sank. |
| Aug 14 | (Cont'd.) Torsk submerged and launched the new acoustic Mark 27 at another frigate. A loud explosion and the sounds of breaking up were heard. She was credited with sinking the last Japanese warship in WWII. |
| Aug 15 | Torsk received word of the cessation of hostilities. She continued her patrol in the Sea of Japan, conducting visual and photo surveillance and destroying floating mines. |
| Sep 1 | Torsk set her course for the Mariana Islands. |
| Sep 3 | Torsk passed through Tsushima Straits. |
| Sep 9 | Torsk arrived at Guam, Marianas Island. |
| Oct 15 | Torsk arrived New London, CT., and for the next 7 years she operated from that port, serving as a training ship, participating in exercises and tests and occasionally making naval reserve training cruises. |
1949 | Jun 1 | Torsk was assigned to Submarine Squardron 2. |
1950 | Jun 1 | Torsk was deployed to the Mediterranean Sea. |
| Oct 1 | Torsk returned to New London, CT. for Fleet exercises and, the following year, extended her operations into the Caribbean Sea.
1952 | Jan 1 | Torsk completed her conversion to a Fleet Snorkel submarine. |
| Jun 1 | Torsk deployed again to the Mediterranean Sea. |
| Nov 27 | Torsk returned to New London, CT. she continued operations out of New London, CT., ranging from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Havana, Cuba, as she trained prospective submarine personnel and laid exercise mine fields. |
1955 | Jun 5 | Torsk was reassigned to SubRon 6 at Norfolk, VA., where duties included services to aircraft and surface ships to help them hone their skills in antisbumarine warfare. She made frequent Caribbean voyages and participated in Operation "Springboard." |
1959 | Jun 1 | Torsk proceeded via the Saint Lawrence Seaway to the Great Lakes, visited various ports on Lake Ontario and Lake Michigan. |
| Aug 15 | Torsk returned to Norfolk, VA. |
1960 | Jan 1 | In the early 1960s, Torsk made Mediterranean deployments, joined Commonwealth countries in Exercise "New Broom X", and continued her duties in training antisubmarine forces in the Atlantic. |
1962 | Oct 1 | Torsk patrolled in support of the blockade during the Cuban Missile Crisis. |
1964 | Mar 4 | Decommissioned and following modification at the Boston Navy Yard, was assigned to the Washington Navy Yard for use in training reserves. |
1968 | Mar 4 | Torsk was decommissioned and, following modifications at the Boston Navy Yard, was assigned to the Washington Navy Yard for use in training reserves. Torsk operated out of Washington until 1971. |
1971 | Dec 15 | Struck from the Naval Register. |
1972 | Sep 26 | Torsk was truned over to the State of Maryland to be used as part of the Baltimore Maritime Museum in the Inner Harbor at Baltimore, MD. |