Year | Date | Historical Events |
1944 | Feb 7 | Keel laid down by the Portsmouth Navy Yard, Kittery, ME. |
| Feb 15 | After 3 weeks of searching for worthwhile targets, Sea Owl sank her initial victim, a Japanese destroyer escort, with one Mark 27. She followed with a second escort, stopped by a Mark 27 and finished off with one Mark 18, from about 1000 yds. |
| May 7 | Launched. |
| Jul 14 | Commissioned with LCDR. Carter L. Bennett in command.
| Oct 23 | Sea Owl arrived Pearl Harbor, HI. after shakedown off Portsmouth, NH. and New London, CT. and transiting the Panama Canal. |
| Nov 19 | Sea Owl departed on her 1st war partol in the East China Sea as part of a coordinated attack group with Sea Poacher (SS-406) and Piranha (SS-389). She carried trial versions of Mark 18 electric and Mark 27 ("Cutie") homing torpedoes.[ |
1945 | Jan 15 | Sea Owl ended her patrol at Guam, Marianas Island. |
| Apr 18 | While on her 2nd war partol in the Lazon Strait and the South China Sea, while off Wake Island, Sea Owl attacked a Japanese submarine unloading supplies at Wake Island demolishing the pier with a torpedo but I-372 was not hit and it returned to Japan. |
| Apr 21 | Sea Owl ended her patrol at Midway Island. |
| May 20 | Sea Owl got underway for her 3rd and final war patrol, in concert with Puffer (SS-268) and Tirante (SS-420), in the Yellow and East China seas. It was devoted to both lifeguard duties and offensive patrol. |
| Jun 8 | Sea Owl made contact with 2 Japanese destroyers and 6 torpedoes were fired. The 1st torpedo hit one of the destroyers in the magazine amidhips, blowing her up in the water. |
| Jun 12 | In a gun attack, detroyed a large rice-laden four-masted schooner from which she captured two prinsoners of war. |
| Jul 2 | Sea Owl resuced 6 downed aviators after a 135-mile race against darkness. All 6 were treated for wounds and were included in the crew for the remainder of the partol. |
| Aug 15 | Sea Owl was in Pearl Harbor preparing for her 4th war partol when Japan surrendered. |
| Sep 1 | Upon returning to the US, Sea Owl was assigned to the Atlantic Fleet and was based at Balboa, in the Canal Zone with Submarine Squadron 6. |
1946 | Oct 1 | From October 1946 through March 1947, Sea Owl made a cruise along the West Coast of South America and joined the other submarines of SubRon 6 in Fleet exercises off Culebra Island in the West Indies. |
1947 | Sep 1 | Sea Owl underwent overhaul at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Philadelphia, PA., followed by a brief period of refresher training in the Caribbean. |
1948 | Jan 12 | Sea Owl resumed her duties at Balboa, operating in the Panama area and Caribbean Sea participating in Fleet training exercises for the next 18 months. |
1949 | Jun 27 | Sea Owl arrived at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME., for scheduled overhaul and upon completion was assigned to SubRon 8 in New London, CT., where she remained for the next 2 years operating in the Atlantic. |
1951 | Apr 1 | Sea Owl underwent conversion to a Fleet Snorkel submarine at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Philadelphia, PA. When completed, for the next year, she participated in Atlantic Fleet exercises in the Caribbean area. |
1953 | Jan 1 | Sea Owl entered the Charleston Naval Shipyard, Charleston, SC. for overhaul and, upon completion, sailed to New London, CT. and then to the Caribbean as part of operation "Springboard." |
1954 | Mar 1 | After returning to New London, CT., Sea Owl departed for her first tour of duty with the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean, participating in Fleet exercises and in Operation "Keystone" and visiting France, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey. |
| Aug 1 | Sea Owl returned to New London, CT. and spent the next 2 years in Atlantic and Caribbean waters training submarine school sutdents and reserve personnel. |
1957 | Sep 1 | After resuming normal duties in the New London area, Sea Owl departed to engage in NATO exercises "Fishplay" and "Strikeback" in the Northern Atlantic. |
1958 | Apr 1 | Sea Owl participated in NATO exercise "New Broom". She returned to New London, CT. and exgaged in local operations for the remainder of the year. |
1959 | Jan 1 | After a five month overhaul early in 1959, Sea Owl participated in NATO Exercise “Fishplay” and spent the latter months of 1960 in her second deployment to the Mediterranean.
1961 | Mar 6 | Sea Owl departed for another Mediterranean tour followed by a scheduled overhaul in the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME. |
1963 | Jan 1 | Sea Owl departed for the Caribbean to take part in the second phase of operation “Springboard” including antisubmarine warfare exercises and visits to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. |
| Mar 1 | Sea Owl was engaged in a 2 week antisubmarine warfare exercise with surface and air units of the Royal Canadian Navy in the vicinity of Bermuda. |
| Apr 1 | Sea Owl participated in exercise "New Broom XI" with joint forces of the US and Canada. The remainder of the year consisted of submarine school operations and training exercises in the New London, CT. area.
1964 | Feb 8 | Sea Owl commenced a 5 week availability at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard followed by participation in exercise "Long Hook" with forces of the US, British, Canadian and Dutch Navies and in exercise "Canus Silex". |
| Nov 2 | Sea Owl entered the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Philadelphia, PA., for a 5 month overhaul. |
1965 | Jul 7 | Sea Owl put to sea for a 4 month deployment to the Mediterranean , then returned to New London, CT. to engage in local exercises for the remainder of the year. |
1966 | Jan 1 | Sea Owl spent 1966 providing services for the Submarine School and Operational Test and Evaluation Force in New London, CT., with time out for participation in Operation “Springboard” in the Caribbean. |
1967 | May 22 | Sea Owl deployed to Northern European waters for a training and good will tour. |
1968 | Jan 1 | Operations for 1968 included Fleet exercises, including antisubmarine warfare operations with destroyer units and various NATO and United States ASW naval air squadrons. Training exercises included both officer submarine school and weekend reserves. |
1969 | Jun 30 | Sea Owl was reclassified as an euxiliary submarine AGSS-405. |
| Jul 7 | Sea Owl departed New London, CT. for her final deployment to the Mediterranean. Upon return, she was ordered to commence preprations for deactivation after more than 25 years of dedicated service. |
| Nov 15 | Sea Owl was decommissioned and struck from the Naval Register. |
1971 | Jun 3 | Sea Owl was sold for scrap. |