Year | Date | Historical Events |
1943 | Sep 9 | Keel laid down by the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME. |
1944 | Jan 27 | Launched. |
| Apr 3 | Commissioned with LCDR. Albert M. Bontier in command.
| Aug 25 | Razorback departed from Pearl Harbor, HI. for her 1st war patrol East of Luzon as a member of an offensive group in support of the mid-September Palau landings. |
| Oct 19 | Razorback arrived at Midway Island. |
| Nov 15 | Razorback departed Midway for her 2nd war patrol in company with Trepang and Segundo, operating in the Luzon Straits. |
| Dec 6 | Razorback damaged the 6933 ton freighter Kenjo Maru. |
| Dec 30 | Razorback sank the old 820 ton destroyer Kuretake and damaged another freighter. |
1945 | Jan 5 | Razorback arrived at Guam, Marianas Island for refit. |
| Feb 1 | Razorback departed on her 3rd war patrol to the East China Sea along with Segundo and Seacat. She sank 4 wooden ships in 3 spearate surface gun actions and deposited 3 Japanese prisoners at Guam before returning to Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Mar 26 | Razorback terminated her patrol at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| May 7 | Razorback departed on her 4th war patrol for lifeguard duty in the Nanpo Shoto and Tokyo Bay areas. |
| May 25 | Razorback rescued Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. Taylor, a P-51 fighter pilot from the 21st Fighter Group. |
| Jun 5 | Razorback rescued four B-29 Superfortress crewmen shot down during an air raid over Kobe, Japan. |
| Jun 27 | Razorback returned to Midway Island for refit. |
| Jul 22 | Razorback departed Midway for her 5th war partol in the Okhotsk Sea where she sank 6 wooden cargo sea trucks and damaged 2 in surface gun action. |
| Aug 31 | Razorback entered Tokyo Harbor with 11 other submarines to take part in the formal surrender of Japan. |
| Sep 20 | Razorback arrived at San Diego, CA. after a stop in Pearl Harbor, Hi., where she remained active with the Pacific Fleet serving off Japan and China in early in 1948 and again in late 1949. |
1952 | Aug 1 | Razorback was decommissioned for conversion to a Guppy IIA type submarine. |
1954 | Jan 1 | Razorback was recommissioned and reported to SubRon 10 at New London, CT. for shakedown and training. |
| May 24 | Razorback transferred to San Diego, CA, SubRon 3, providing antisubmarine training services for local surface and air units for the reaminder of 1954 and 1955. |
1957 | Jun 24 | Razorback departed for her first extended Far East deployment since the forties. |
1966 | Feb 1 | Razorback returned to San Diego, CA. after deployment to the South China Sea where she earned her first Vietnam Service Medal. |
1970 | Jan 30 | Razorback departed on her last deployment to the western Pacific. |
| Nov 30 | Razorback was decommissioned and transferred to the Turkish Navy. |
1971 | Dec 17 | The submarine was recommissioned TCG Muratreis (S-336) on 17 December 1971, named after the great Ottoman admiral Murat Reis and served Turkey for 31 years, decommissioning in March 2002.
2004 | Mar 25 | Ex-Muratreis was purchased from Turkey by the city of North Little Rock, Arkansas on 25 March 2004 for $37,500 |
| Aug 29 | Razorback reached her berth in North Little Rock, at the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum. |
2005 | May 15 | Razorback officially opened to the public as a museum boat. |