Year | Date | Historical Events |
1943 | Mar 15 | Keel laid down by the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME. |
| Jul 12 | Launched. |
| Nov 6 | Commissioned with LCDR. Charles B. Jackson, Jr. in command.
1944 | Feb 14 | After shakedown off New London, Pampanito transited the Panama Canal and arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Mar 15 | Pampanito's 1st war patrol was conducted in the southwest approaches to Saipan and Guam. She scored two torpedo hits on a destroyer before sailing for Midway and Pearl Harbor for refit and repairs to a hull badly damaged by depth charges.
| May 2 | Pampanito arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. for refit and repairs. |
| Jun 3 | Pampanito's 3rd war patrol, a "wolfpack" operation with Growler (SS-215) and Sealion (SS-315), was conducted in the South China Sea. |
| Sep 12 | Pampanito sank the 10,509 ton transport Kachidaki Maru and 5,135 ton tanker Zuiho Maru and damaged a 3rd ship. |
| Sep 15 | With Sealion and later Barb and Queenfish, Pampanito helped rescue British and Australian survivors of a POW ship sunk while enroute from Singapore to Formosa. She then set course for Saipan, disembarked the survivors, and steamed onto Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Sep 28 | Pampanito arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Oct 28 | Pampanito's 4th war patrol took place off Formosa and the coast of Southeastern China with Seacat (SS-399), Pipefish (SS-388), and Searaven (SS-196). |
| Nov 19 | Pampanito sank the 1,200 ton cargo ship Shinko Maru No. 1 and damaged another ship. |
| Dec 30 | Pampanito put into Fremantle, Australia for refit. |
1945 | Jan 23 | Pampanito's 5th war patrol was in the Gulf of Siam with Guavina. |
| Feb 6 | Pampanito sank the 6,968 ton oargo ship Engen Maru. |
| Feb 8 | Pampanito sank the 3,520 ton passenger-cargo ship EifuLu Maru. |
| Feb 12 | Pampanito arrived at Subic Bay, Philippine Islands for refit. |
| Mar 1 | Pampanito returned to the Gulf of Siam for her 6th war patrol. Operating with Caiman (SS-323), Sealion (SS-315), and Mingo (SS-261), she sighted only one target before sailing for Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Aug 1 | From Pearl Harbor, HI. Pampanito proceeded to San Francisco, CA. for overhaul,and then returned to Pearl Harbor, HI. With the end of the war, she was ordered to return to San Francisco, CA. |
| Dec 15 | Decommissioned at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA. and placed "In Reserve" in the Pacific Reserve Fleet. |
1960 | Apr 1 | Pampanito was assigned to Naval Reserve Training at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA. |
1962 | Nov 6 | Pampanito was reclassified (AGSS-383). |
1971 | Dec 20 | Struck from the Naval Register. |
1982 | Mar 15 | Pampanito became a museum boat in San Francisco, CA. |