Year | Date | Historical Events |
1943 | Oct 25 | Keel laid down by the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Manitowoc, WI. |
1944 | Apr 9 | Launched by the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Manitowoc, WI. |
| Jul 31 | Commissioned with CDR. R. L. Rutter in command.
| Aug 20 | Departing Manitowoc, WI., Kete sailed via New Orleans, LA. to Panama. |
| Sep 5 | Kete arrived at Panama, Canal Zone and trained with SubRon 3. |
| Sep 28 | Kete sailed for Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Oct 15 | Kete arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Oct 31 | Kete sailed Westward on her 1st war patrol. |
| Nov 4 | Kete topped of with fuel at Midway, Island. |
| Nov 15 | Kete reached her assigned patrol area in the East China Sea, in company with Sea Lion ( SS-315). |
| Nov 19 | Harassed by heavy weather and nonfunctioning bow planes, Kete sailed for Saipan, Marinas Islands. |
| Nov 24 | Kete arrived at Saipan, Marinas Islands. |
| Dec 24 | Kete departed Saipan with Kraken (SS-370)and resumed her war patrol North of Okinawa 4 days later. |
1945 | Jan 27 | After gathering vital weather data, Kete sailed to Guam, Marinas Islands. |
| Jan 30 | Kete arrived at Guam, Marinas Islands for refit. |
| Mar 1 | Kete cleared Guam on her 2nd war patrol with LCDR. Edward Ackerman in command. Assigned to waters surrounding the Nansei Shoto Chain, she resumed lifeguard duty and gathered weather data for the forthcoming invasion of Okinawa. |
| Mar 10 | While patrolling west of Tokara Retto on the night of 9 and 10 March, she surprised an enemy convoy and torpedoed three Marus totaling 6,881 tons. |
| Mar 14 | During the night, Kete attacked a cable-laying ship. With only three torpedoes remaining, she was ordered to depart the area 20 March, refuel at Midway, and proceed to Pearl Harbor for refit. |
| Mar 20 | While steaming eastward, Kete sent in a weather report from a position South of Colnett Strait. Scheduled to arrive Midway by 31 March, she was neither seen nor heard from again. 87 men lost. |
| Apr 16 | Kete was reported as presumed lost. |