Year | Date | Historical Events |
1943 | Dec 23 | Keel laid down by the Electric Boat Co., Groton, CT. |
1944 | Nov 12 | Launched. |
1945 | Feb 28 | Commissioned with LCDR. J. L. Hunnicutt, USNR, in command.
| Feb 28 | Recommissioned. |
| Apr 14 | Carp departed New London, CT. and conducted training at Balbao, Panama Canal Zone. |
| May 21 | Carp arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Jun 8 | Carp departed for her 1st and only war patrol off the coast of Honshu, destroying small craft and patrolling for the carriers of the 3rd Fleet engaged in air strikes on the mainland. |
| Aug 7 | Carp returned to Midway Island for refit. |
| Sep 22 | Carp returned to Seattle, WA. Based in San Diego, CA. as flagship for Submarine Division 71, Carp operated along the West Coast with occasional training cruises to Pearl Harbor, HI. |
1947 | Feb 13 | Between 13 Feb. and 15 June 1947, Carp made a simulated war patrol to the Far East, and in 1948 and 1949 Carp made 2 exploratory cruises to extreme northern waters, adding to the knowledge of an important strategic area for submarine operations. |
1952 | Feb 1 | Carp was converted to a Fleet Snorkel type submarine. |
| Sep 22 | Carp supported United Nations' forces in the Korean War during her cruise of 22 September 1952–April 1953 to the Far East. |
1954 | Mar 15 | Carp arrived at her new home port, Pearl Harbor, HI. Carp remained on active duty with the Fleet from that port through July 1959. |
1956 | Aug 1 | Carp departed for WestPac. |
| Aug 25 | Carp crossed the Equator. |
1959 | Aug 1 | Carp departed Pearl Harbor, HI. for her new assignment with the Atlantic Fleet. |
| Aug 28 | Carp arrived at Norfolk, Va. She conducted type exercises and training off the East Coast and in the Caribbean Sea through 1967.
1968 | Jan 1 | Carp was redesignated an Auxiliary Submarine, AGSS-338. |
1971 | Jan 1 | Carp was redesignated a Miscellaneous Submarine IXSS-338. |
| Dec 20 | Decommissioned. |
1973 | Jan 1 | Carp was sold for scrap. The conning tower from Carp has been preserved at Seawolf Park on Pelican Island just north of Galveston, Texas.