Year | Date | Historical Events |
1943 | Jul 8 | Keel laid down by the Electric Boat Co., Groton, CT. |
1944 | Apr 9 | Launched. |
| Jul 27 | Commissioned. |
| Jul 27 | Recommissioned. |
| Nov 10 | Began war partols in the Java and South China Seas, destroying 8 Japanese vessles & more than 62 Japanese small craft. |
1945 | Sep 5 | Blenny returned to San Diego, CA. |
1951 | Jan 1 | Blenny was converted to Guppy submarine. |
1954 | May 24 | Blenny reported to the Atlantic Fleet, and operated out of New London, CT. |
1964 | Jan 1 | Blenny was reclassified as an Auxiliary Submarine, AGSS-324. |
1969 | Nov 7 | Decommissioned. |
1973 | Aug 15 | Struck from the Naval Register. |
1989 | Jun 1 | Blenny was sunk as an artificial about fifteen miles off the coast of Ocean City, MD.