Year | Date | Historical Events |
1943 | Apr 29 | Keel laid down by the Electric Boat Co., Groton, CT. |
1944 | Jan 30 | Launched. |
| May 27 | Commissioned. |
| May 27 | Recommissioned. |
| Jul 1 | Becuna departed New London, CT. for Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Jul 24 | Becuna arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Aug 23 | Becuna began her war patrols. Completed 5 in the Philippines, South Chian Sea, and Java Sea. Credited with sinking 2 Japanese tankers. |
1945 | Jul 27 | Arrived at Subic Bay, Lazon from her last patrol. |
1949 | Apr 1 | Becuna wasa ordered to the Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet, Squadron 8. |
| May 1 | Becuna began 1 year of refresher training exercises for student offiecers and men at New London, CT. |
1950 | Nov 1 | Becuna entered the Electric Boat Co. for complete modernization overhaul and refitting as a GUPPY type submarine. |
1951 | Aug 1 | Overhaul completed, Becuna sailed to the Caribbean for shakedown. |
| Sep 1 | Becuna returned to New London, CT. |
1969 | Jan 1 | Becuna was reclassified an Auxiliary Submarine, AGSS-319. |
| Nov 7 | Decommissioned. |
1971 | Jan 1 | Becuna reverted to SS-319. |
1973 | Aug 15 | Struck from the Naval Register. |
1976 | Aug 21 | Becuna was placed on permanent display at the Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, PA., where she has been designated a National Historic Landmark.