Year | Date | Historical Events |
1942 | Dec 15 | Keel laid down by the Cramp Shipbuilding Co., Philadelphia, PA. |
1943 | Nov 7 | Launched. |
1944 | Nov 1 | Commissioned with LCDR. Edward D. Spruance in command. |
1945 | Jan 8 | After shakedown off New England, Lionfish headed for the Pacific Ocean. |
| Feb 25 | Lionfish arrived at Pearl Harbor, HI. |
| Mar 19 | Lionfish departed on her 1st war patrol, touched at Saipan, and headed for an area South of Bongo Suido. |
| Apr 11 | Lionfish evaded two torpedoes fired at her by an enemy submarine. |
| May 1 | While patrolling in the Yellow Sea, Lionfish fired her guns at a Japanese schooner, leaving her in a mass of flames. |
| May 9 | Lionfish rendezvoused with submarine Ray, took on board B-29 survivors, and headed for Saipan. |
| May 15 | Lionfished arrived at Saipan, Marianas Island. After discharging her passengers and topping with fuel she headed for Midway Island. |
| Jun 20 | Lionfish sailed on her 2nd war patrol with CDR. B.M. Ganyard in command, and headed for Bungo Suido.
| Jul 10 | Lionfish fired upon an I-class enemy submarine. Lionfish's crew heard loud breaking-up noises and assumed the submarine had been sunk, although this could not be confirmed from postwar records.
| Jul 18 | Lionfish departed her patrol area for Saipan, Marianas Island. |
| Jul 21 | Lionfish arrived at Saipan, Marianas Island. |
| Jul 22 | Torpedoes loaded and refueling completed, Lionfish departed, on her 3rd war patrol, for lifeguard duty off the Nansei Shoto and Honshu, Japan. She remained in this area until hostilities ended 15 August, then headed for Midway, Island |
| Aug 22 | Lionfish arrived at Midway, Island. |
| Aug 30 | Lionfish departed for the West Coast. |
| Sep 11 | Lionfish arrived at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA. |
1946 | Jan 16 | Decommissioned at the Mare Island Navy Yard, Vallejo, CA., and entered the Pacific Reserve Fleet. |
1951 | Jan 31 | Recommissioned with LCDR. Arthur G. McIntyre in command. |
| Apr 5 | Following shakedown and operations along the California coast, Lionfish departed San Diego, CA. for the East Coast via the Panama Canal. |
| Apr 21 | Lionfish arrived at Key West, FL. She served as a training ship for the Sonar School. |
| Jun 11 | Lionfish departed for her homeport of New London, CT. |
| Jun 16 | Lionfish arrived at New London, CT. She served as training ship and operated out of New London, CT. |
| Sep 25 | Lionfih sailed for training out of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. |
| Oct 31 | Lionfish returned to New London, CT. and underwent overhaul at the Boston Naval Shipyard, Boston, MA. |
1952 | Jul 7 | Lionfish began a cruise to Bermuda and Nassau. |
| Aug 7 | Lionfish returned to New London, CT. |
| Oct 18 | Lionfish sailed for a Mediterranean cruise, during which she visited Malta and, after participating in NATO exercises, visited Izmir, Phaleron, Taranto, and Naples. |
| Dec 12 | Lionfish departed for the United States. |
| Dec 27 | Lionfish arrived at New London, CT. |
1953 | Jun 30 | Lionfish arrived at the Boston Naval Shipyard, Boston, MA., for deactivation. |
| Nov 3 | Lionfish was towed to New London,CT. |
| Dec 15 | Decommissioned at New London,CT. and joined the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. |
1960 | Mar 1 | Lionfish was placed "In Service, In Reserve" and towed to Providence, R.I., and moored at the Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Pier and used as a reserve training submarine. |
1971 | Dec 20 | Struck from the Naval Register. |
1972 | Aug 30 | Lionfish became a museum submarine at Battleship Cove, Fall River, MA. |