Year | Date | Historical Events |
1919 | Jan 14 | Keel laid down by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., San Francisco,CA. |
| Jul 2 | Launched. |
1923 | Sep 14 | Commissioned with LT. John A. Scott in command. From October through December 1923, S-39 conducted maneuvers off Southern California.
1924 | Apr 1 | S-39 returned to the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA., for her first overhaul.
| Sep 17 | S-39 departed San Francisco, CA. for the Philippines. |
| Nov 5 | S-39 arrived at Manila, Philippines Island. |
1925 | May 15 | S-39 sailed for the Asiatic mainland with her division; and, after brief stops at Amoy and Hong Kong, arrived at Tsingtao, whence she operated until early September. |
| May 15 | (Cont'd.) She then returned to Manila and for the next 16 years maintained, with few interruptions, a similar schedule: summers at Tsingtao, with patrols along the China coast. |
| May 15 | (Cont'd.) Winters in the Philippines, for overhauls, engineering trials, joint Army-Navy maneuvers, type training exercises, and short patrols.
1941 | Dec 8 | S-39 moved into San Bernardino Strait to impede Japanese mining activities. |
| Dec 13 | S-39 contacted and attacked an enemy freighter, but, again escorts interferred and her crew was prevented from verifying a sinking. |
| Dec 21 | S-39 returned to Manila. |
1942 | Jan 15 | S-39 departed on her 2nd war patrol for Java. |
| Jan 24 | S-39 arrived at Soerabaja and underwent an abbreviated availability and departed for her 3rd war patrol. |
| Mar 4 | S-39 sank the 6,500 ton tanker Erimo. |
| Mar 18 | S-39 arrived at Fremantle, Australia. |
| Apr 30 | S-39 moved to Brisbane, Australia. |
| May 10 | S-39 departed on her 4th war patrol. During the next four weeks, she reconnoitered designated areas of the Louisiade Archipelago, then operated in the Solomon Islands.
| Aug 10 | S-39 departed on 5th war patrol. |
| Aug 14 | S-39 grounded on submerged rocks off Rossel Island and took on a 35° list to port. The crew was rescued. The S-39 was abandonded and left to "break up" on the rocks. |