Year | Date | Historical Events |
1952 | Mar 15 | Keel Laid, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, NH. |
1953 | Aug 1 | Launched. |
| Oct 19 | Arrived Key West, FL to commence antisubmarine warfare evaluation and to provide target services to the Operational Development Force's Surface Antisubmarine Development Detachment. |
| Nov 4 | Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, Chief of Naval Operations, embarked for a brief demonstration cruise. |
| Dec 5 | Commissioned. |
1955 | Dec 1 | Arrived Portsmouth Naval Yard and underwent stern renewal. |
1956 | Apr 1 | Began operations with her new stern configruation and continued until late in the year. |
| May 1 | Participated in the television production of "Wide, Wide World" in New York City. She submerged, with an underwater camera mounted on her forecastle, first live telecast of a submarine while diving. |
| Nov 1 | Reentered the shipyard for engine conversion. |
1957 | Mar 11 | Departed New London, CT for operations out of San Juan, Puerto Rico and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. |
1958 | Feb 1 | Entered Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for an overhaul which lasted until June. |
| Oct 1 | Her bow planes were removed to cut down still more on noise. |
1959 | Feb 1 | A newly designed 14-foot propeller was installed and tested. She sailed south and after operating in the British West Indies for 2 weeks she proceeded to Key West to serve as a traget for the Surface Antisubmarine Development Detachment. |
1960 | Nov 21 | Entered Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for a major overhaul and conversion in which she received: a new experimental "X"-shaped tail for increased control; 10 dive breaks around her hull, a new bow, new sonar systems, and a large auxiliary rudder. |
1972 | Mar 7 | Decommissioned. |