#Photos: 1037

#Photos: 38

#Photos: 269

#Photos: 434

#Photos: 163

#Photos: 114

#Photos: 6

#Photos: 2

#Photos: 10

Sub School Photo Manager
Patrick Frank Householder 4729 W Picacho Dr Eloy, AZ 85131-8084 425 445-6345 householderpf@gmail.com
To submit your Sub School Class Photo, email or send by USPS to the
addresses shown above. Be sure to identify where you are in the
photo. If you know other students in the photo, please also send
their names, rate / rank (at the time) and their location in the photo. |
Dedication |

Gary Walker |
Gary Walker lives on his small horse
ranch in Comanche, TX. He served in the USN aboard USS Atule and USS Trigger
as EM2(SS) , then transitioned to the USAF, serving as Flight Engineer on
C-141s, and C-5s. He retired from the USAF on 4-28-05 as a M/Sgt. For years
Gary has maintained a website for his beloved USS Atule, and as part of that
project he added class photos for over 600 submarine school classes. All
Submarine Veterans owe Gary a debt of gratitude for this historical
resource. In 2009 Gary agreed to move this valuable resource to USSVI so
that it will continue to be maintained and benefit the Submarine Veterans
who are interested in their legacy.
On behalf of all Sub Vets, I thank Gary for his thoughtfulness and for this
valuable gift.
/s/Patrick Householder, past National Commander
2009 |
How to find your
Class Photo |
How can I find out what
Class I was in?
Look on your Class Photo
(if you have one)
Look around
to see if
you have your old military records (it may show your class # and
section #)
The Submarine
School does not keep class photo records
Go to submarine BBS's and ask if
others remember a class (many have found class
photos this way)
Does The Submarine Force Museum Archives
have a copy of my class photo?
Submarine Force Museum Archives Booklet is a collection
of Naval Submarine School Records & Archives. (It list
what records they do have on hand) For example: Page 12,
1950s [SUBSCOL EN-02] Class 66 (Jan 51) 119 (May
55) (Photo Only)---This means: Class-66 Graduated Jan
51 thru Class-119 Graduated May 55. There are photos
but no other information on file. Please check
the Archives Booklet to verify your class photo on file
before contacting the Museum. Remember the Submarine
Force Museum does not have the staffing for large
researching. They will research one photo at a time and
send it to you. Please have
Note: at the
moment, we can no longer find this document posted on line.
Library Hours of Operation
Open Year Round, 0900 to 1530
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
For Appointment & Requests, Send to:
Attn: Archivist
Submarine Force Museum
Naval Submarine Base
New London, Groton, CT
Phone: 1-(860)-694-3558