Memorial: USS S-36 (SS-141) Memorial 
USS S-36 (SS-141) Memorial
S-36 Submarine Memorial Monument on the State Capitol Grounds, Des Moines, Iowa. Photo by David Farran
The S-36 Memorial Stone was dedicated on June 23, 2007 by the Iowa and Placoderm Bases of USSVI and the Iowa Chapter of WW11Subvets. Keynote speaker was Walter Kraus CDR USN Ret. Crewmember of the S-36 when it went down. Walter is Ohio State Commander of WW11 Subvets and is a Holland Club member of USSVI.
 Address:  1070 E. Walnut Street Des Moines  IA  50319-1008
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S-36 at Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., San Franciso, CA 29 March 1923

Commander Walter Kraus Last Survivor of the S-36 and USSVI Holland Club Member

Ship's History & Log
On Eternal Patrol website
War Report Part 1
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