Memorial: Submarine Steinway Piano 
Submarine Steinway Piano
Steinway piano that was on the Thomas A. Edison
Washington Navy Yard (Jun. 11, 2003) -- This Steinway piano spent 22 years (1961-1983) aboard the ballistic missile submarine USS Thomas A. Edison (SSBN 610), the only full size piano ever installed aboard a submarine conducting nuclear deterrent patrols. Part of the artifact collection of the Naval Historical Center on the Washington Navy Yard, its being temporarily loaned back to Steinway in return for a complete restoration. It is then scheduled to go on display this summer at the Steinway Company Museum in New York in an exhibit celebrating the 150 years of the famous piano company. Photo courtesy of Steinway Piano Company. Source
 Address:  805 Kidder Breese Street SE Washington Navy Yard  DC  20374
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USS Thomas A. Edison SSBN-610

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