Memorial: Captain John P. Cromwell Memorial
Captain John P. Cromwell Memorial
Henry Cromwell Memorial with MOH Plaque and WW11 Boats Still on Patrol Plaque in Henry, IL
Plaque on left (warhead side) Is the MEDAL OF HONOR Citation of Captain John P. Cromwell. USN. The plaque on the right is the SubVetsWWII "Boats Still on Patrol" plaque. Captain John P. Cromwell, born in Illinois in 1901, graduated from the Naval Academy in the class of 1924, and the Submarine School in 1927. He served in S-24, ARGONAUT (SM1), a minelayer, BARRACUDA (SS-163), and commanded S-20 in 1937. His wartime billets were all Submarine Division Commands until, in early November 1943, he was ordered to SCULPIN (SS-191) as Wolfpack Commander, should one be formed. On 29 November Commander Submarine Pacific ordered the wolfpack activated but never heard from SCULPIN. It was not until after the war that the survivors of the scuttled SCULPIN revealed that she had been so severely damaged by depth charges on 18 November that (she) was forced to fight it out on the surface with a destroyer - and lost. The Commanding Officer, Commander Fred Connoway, and others were ed, but Captain Cromwell chose to go down with the ship to protect the privileged information he held. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor and the Legion of Merit.
Central Public Park BetweenW. Park and E. Park on 3rd St. Henry IL 61537
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Henry Cromwell Memorial with MOH Plaque and WW11 Boats Still on Patrol Plaque in Henry, IL
Henry Cromwell Memorial Medal Of Honor Plaque
a Memorial