Memorial: USSVI National Memorial Site 
USSVI National Memorial Site
First Submarine Base Marker in New Fuffolk, Long, Island, NY
The New Suffolk Memorial is in New Suffolk, LI, NY and is on a grassy knoll, in the sand, facing Peconic Bay. It is within a stones' throw of the original "Holland Torpedo Boat" docks and is within the original boatyard. The inscription reads: "Be it known by all that this monument marks the location of the first United States Submarine Base and commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the United States Submarine Service which had it's bithplace here on this point of land in the hamlet of New Suffolk, Long Island on 11 April 1900. This Monument is a testimony to all the gallant men who have served on submarines of the United States Navy" Memorial was dedicated 8 April 2000 United States Submarine Veterans Long Island Base.
 Address: Park 1st. Street New Suffolk  NY  11956
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USSVI memorial

View of First Submarine Base on Long Island

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