Memorial: Lost Boats Memorial of Los Banos 
Lost Boats Memorial of Los Banos
Memorial Stone sits in front of Campus Buildings near front entrance of Merced College
October 13, 2007 the WWII Sub Vets, The Wahoo Base USSVI, The Los Banos Rotary and many other people, too numerous to mention, hosted a 65 tree memorial for the 65 lost boats since the Naval Submarine force was born April 11,1900. The weather was so great that it allowed 200 people or more to attend the ceremony.
 Address: New Los Banos Campus of Merced College 22240 Highway 152 Los Banos  CA  93635
 Phone: 209 826-3495
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Memorial for the USS Wahoo SS-238

Memorial Stone for Robert McMullen TM2(SS), who went down on the USS Growler SS-215

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