Memorial: USS Albacore (SS-218) WWII Memorial 
USS Albacore (SS-218) WWII Memorial
USS Albacore returning from War Patrol
ALBACORE with Lt. Cmdr. H.R. Rimmer in command, left Pearl Harbor on October 24, 1944, topped off with fuel at Midway on October 28, and departed there for her eleventh patrol the same day, never to be heard from again. Her area was northeast of Honshu and south of Hokkaido, and because of the danger of mines, she was ordered to stay outside of waters less than 100 fathoms deep. She was to depart her area at sunset on December 5, 1944, and was expected at Midway about December 12th. When she had not been seen or heard from by December 21st despite the sharpest of lookouts for her, she was reported as presumed lost. Enemy information available now indicates that ALBACORE perished by hitting a mine. The explosion occurred on November 7, 1944, while ALBACORE was submerged, and was witnessed by an enemy patrol craft. The craft reports having seen much heavy oil and bubbles, cork, bedding and various provisions after the explosion. The U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II assigned USS Albacore (SS-218) to the State of Oregon
 Address:   Beaverton  OR  97005
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Albacore Memorial

Albacore Memorial

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