Memorial: Roy Holland Gallemore Submarine Veterans Memorial 
Roy Holland Gallemore Submarine Veterans Memorial
Roy Holland Gallemore Submarine Veterans Memorial
The Roy Holland Gallemore Submarine Veterans Memorial was dedicated on Saturday 7 March 2015. About 300 people attended including many USSVI Sea Poacher Base members from all over the country. The memorial consists of a black replica submarine sail as the memorials centerpiece, and a 21-foot unarmed torpedo located in front. A rectangular trench surrounds the sail and torpedo, and 65 plaques are on the trenches wall, one for each of the 65 submarines the United States Navy has lost throughout its history. Each plaque has the submarines name, photo and its history. Each plaque was $65, and the Sea Poacher Base found a sponsor to fund each. During the year, American flags fly above the plaque during the month the submarine was lost. The memorial bears the name of a Bartow native, Roy Holland Gallemore, who served on the USS Sea Poacher SS-406 submarine during all four of its World War II war patrols. Becky Saunders, Gallemore’s daughter, said she thrilled to see the monument coming together. “Its really an honor, he would be so proud,” she said. “My dad was always the one not to be in the limelight, but he would be honored by all this.” “This monument doesn’t just honor him,” she said, “its for all of those who lost their lives. It honors their brother-hood.” From the projects inception, design, construction and dedication, Past Sea Poacher Base Commander Jack Merrill personally shepherded the project. “This memorial is about honoring our shipmates who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” said Jack. “So many people have helped us, and we are so grateful,” Merrill said. Special thanks goes to Shipmate Jack Merrill for coordinating the design, Hagwood Construction, Inc. for the construction, McDonald Construction Corporation for the heavy construction equipment, Miller Concrete for their participation in the building of the Memorial, and Bartow Ford Company lifting and refurbishment of the torpedo. The Roy Holland Gallemore Submarine Veterans Memorial is located on the grounds of the Summerlin Academy, a military-based school within Bartow High School system, at 1500 South Jackson Avenue, Bartow Florida 33830.
 Address: Summerlin Academy 1500 South Jackson Abve Bartow  FL  33830
 Phone: 608-481-1490
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