Memorial: Submarine Veterans Memorial - Dixon 
Submarine Veterans Memorial - Dixon
Front of Submarine Memorial Bench
On 6 August, 2011, The USS Holland Base of USSVI dedicated a memorial bench in honor of all those lost while serving in the U. S. Submarine Force. PROGRAM Master of Ceremonies - Pete Juhos, MMCS(SS/SS1), US Navy, Retired(Qualified USS Bergall (SSN 667), 1980), Base Commander, USS Holland (SS-1) Post the Colors - California State Honor Guard Pledge of Allegiance - Samuel Burks, Jr., ST3(SS), (Qualified USS Segundo (SS-398), 1948); Submarine Veterans WWII Invocation - Howard Grover, EM1(SS), (Qualified USS Spikefish (SS-404), 1963); Co-Chaplain, USS Holland (SS-1) Welcoming Remarks - Ms. Cynthia Nunez, Director, SVNC Submarines Lost on Patrol in WWII The decisive role played by the silent service during WWII is often overlooked, or the significance of their contributions is not fully understood. The Submarine Service represented only 1.6% of all Navy personnel during the war lost, but they accounted for over 55% of all Japanese ships sunk, including one-third of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Submariners paid a high price for this accomplishment, however with the highest percentage casualty rate of any branch of the service, almost 23%. Fifty-two U.S. submarines were lost during WWII with over 3,800 men. Forty additional men were lost either from gunfire or tragic mishap. It should always be remembered that these men were all volunteers. 1941 USS Sea Lion (SS-195) Remarks, Introduction of Guests, and Introduction of Guest Speaker - Pete Juhos, Base Commander, USS Holland (SS-1) Guest Speaker - David Lipscomb, Captain, US Navy, (Retired) Tolling of the Lost Boats - George Matthies, MMCM(SS), US Navy, Retired; (Qualified USS Torsk (SS-423), 1951), Chief of the Boat, USS Holland (SS-1); Thomas Rumsey, MMCS(SS), US Navy, Retired; (Qualified USS Patrick Henry (SSBN 599), 1964); Chief of the Boat, Mare Island Base. Memorial Presentation - David Morrow ETCS(SS/AC) US Navy, Retired; (Qualified USS Kamehameha (SSBN/SSN 642), 1966), Vice Commander, USS Holland (SS-1); Joseph Cooke, TM2(SS), (Qualified USS Guitarro (SSN 665), 1973), USS Holland (SS-1). Taps - Bugler, California State Honor Guard Bag Pipes - Gary Bennett, Piper Retire the Colors - California State Honor Guard Benediction - Ken Ickes, TMCS(SS), US Navy, Retired; (Qualified USS Blenny (SS-324), 1944); Submarine Veterans World War II, Co-Chaplain, USS Holland (SS-1)
 Address: Sacramento Veterans Memorial Cemetery 5810 Midway Road Dixon  CA  95620
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Back of Submarine Memorial Bench

Guest Speaker, David Lipscomb, Capt. US Navy (Ret)

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