Memorial: Authur William Eaton Jr. QM2(SS) 
Authur William Eaton Jr. QM2(SS)
Author William Eaton Jr. QM2(SS)
Info on Author Eaton Jr: Author was born on January 19, 1924. He came from Garden City, Minnesota Author was a QM2(SS) on the USS Barbel SS-316 and went down with his submarine when it went down due to an aerial attack on February 4, 1945. Author has a marker in the Garden City Cemetery. He is authorized to wear the Silver Star and the Purple Heart. His sevice number was 386-05-20. Thanks to Paul W. Wittmer for the photo and info on Author, and to Dick Hasher for the picture of the Marker. Thanks to Charles Hinman for this info which is found on his On Eternal Patrol Page.
 Address: Garden City  Garden City  MN  56034
 Phone: 520-329-7068
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Marker for Authro Eaton QM2(SS) located in the Garden City Cemetery, Garden City, Minnesota

USS Barbel SS-316 sunk on February 4, 1945 by an aerial attack

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