On Sept 17, 2011, Submarine Veterans met at the Iowa Veteran's Cemetery in Van Meter, Iowa. Below is the program of the event.
Iowa Veteran’s Memorial
"Tolling of the Boats" Ceremony
Iowa Veteran’s Cemetery
September 17, 2011 Time: 1300
Iowa Veteran’s Cemetery Van Meter, Iowa
Significance of the Klaxon for this ceremony: Bob Kirby
Sound the Klaxon: "Surface, Surface, Surface"
** Bosn' Pipe, Attention to Colors: Jerry Luedtke
** Post The Colors: Honor Guard
** National Anthem: Led by Neal Hanley
** Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Dave Arzani
** Invocation Neal Hanley
America the Beautiful: Solo Melanie Arzani
Welcoming Remarks: Dave Arzani
Unveil the Memorial: Honor Guard
Presentation of the Wreath: Doyle Vande Lune
Dedication of the Wreath: Neal Hanley
Preamble to the Tolling of the Boats: Dave Arzani
Tolling the Boats, Two Bells: Readers Jerry Stockbauer
Harold Payne
Toller Jerry Luedtke
Benediction: Neal Hanley
Rifle Volley: VFW Post 638
Des Moines, Ia
Navy Hymn: Led by Neal Hanley
Bag Pipes: "MacKenzie Highlanders"
** Taps: Emanuel Bernal, CM2
Sound the Klaxon: "Dive, Dive"