Memorial: TM1(SS) Donald Howard Yarbrough 
TM1(SS) Donald Howard Yarbrough
TM1(SS) Donald Howard Yarbrough
Donald Howard Yarbrough was born July 16, 1938 in Augusta, GA. While attending Evans HS, Donald was a member of the FFA, serving as secretary. He enlisted in the Navy in June of 1956, in Augusta. After completing submarine school in New London, Don reported to USS Cavalla for duty in submarines. He also served in the submarines Skate, Seawolf, Skipjack and Argonaut before reporting to the USS Scorpion in December of 1967. Don qualified in submarines on March 27, 1968. He was authorized to wear the Good Conduct Medal with bronze star and the National Defense Medal. Donald is survived by his widow, the former Celia Ruth Bennett of Providence, RI and his mother, Mrs. Julian Yarbrough of Martinez, GA.
 Address: Arlington National Cemetery MG-286 214 McNair Road Arlington  VA  22211
 Phone: 520-329-7068
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Memorial Stone at Arlington National Cemetery for TM1(SS)Donald Yarbrough MG-286

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