Memorial: ST1(SS) Harold Robert Snapp, Jr. 
ST1(SS) Harold Robert Snapp, Jr.
ST1(SS) Harold Robert Snapp, JR
Harold Robert Snapp,Jr., was born on February 17, 1944, in Riverside, CA. He moved with his family to NC where he attended elementary School in Charlotte and Greenville. He atended school in Savannah, GA and Syvania, GA before enrolling in Screven County, GA HS. He played the clarinet and bass drum in the HS band and was a stamp and coin collector. Harold enlisted in the Navy on August 17, 1962 in Sylvania, GA., and attended Sonar technician's school. He graduated from submairne school in Groton, CT. and then was assigned to the USS Scorpion on December 29, 1967. He was authorized to wear the National Defense Medal and the Good Conduct Medal. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Snapp, Sr. of Thunderbolt, GA.
 Address: Arlington National Cemetery MG317 214 McNair Road Arlington  VA  22211
 Phone: 520-329-7068
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Memorial Stone at Arlington National Cemetery for Harold Snapp, Jr. MG-317

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