Memorial: United States Submarine Veterans on Eternal Patrol 
United States Submarine Veterans on Eternal Patrol
Memorial Stone for all Submariners who lost their lives while serving on U.S. Submarines
On 21 July, 2010, the USS Snook Base of USSVI, unveiled a memorial stone deducated to all men lost while serving on U.S. Submarines. In charge of the ceremony was Pete Rathmell, Base Commmander of the USS Snook Base of USSVI. Among other veterans and officials of the Veterans Administration were Ray Wewers, USSVI CD1 and Carl Schmidt USSVI CRD. This is the third Submarine Memorial in the State, but the first in Northwest Arkansas.
 Address: Veterans Administration Medical Center 1100 N. College Ave. Fayetteville  AR  72703
 Phone: 479-633-4440
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CD1 Ray Wewers and other subvets at the Memorial Ceremony

CRD Carl Schidmt gives remarks at the ceremony

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