Memorial: Shelton Doyle Blalock 
Shelton Doyle Blalock
Shelton Doyle Blalock while in the US Navy
Shelton Doyle Blalock was born on 27 July, 1921 and passed away on 23 April, 1997. Shelton joined the Navy on 24 September 1942 and qualified on the USS Sand Lance on 1 Jan, 1944. He served on the USS Tambor SS-198 until it's decommissioning in Dec 1945. For a complete history of Shelton's life, go to the above website written by his grandson Lance Dean who runs the web pages for all US Museum boats at
 Address: Duffee Baptist Church Cemetery Chunkee-Duffee Road Duffee  MS  39337
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Shelton and his wife Lodena

Headstone for Shelton with a marker stone showing Shelton's Navy Service. Also has a WWII marker on the gravestone

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