Memorial: MM2(SS) David Burton Stone 
MM2(SS) David Burton Stone
David Burton Stone MM2(SS) "M" Div. USS Scorpion SSN-589
On 21 May 2006, The Placoderm Base Of USSVI held a memorial Service, at the Ames Municipal Cemetery in Ames IA, for the family of David Burton Stone to put closure to David's loss due to going down with his ship the USS Scorpion SSN-589 on 22 May, 1968. David was a MM2(SS). David is loved and missed by all who knew him. David can also seen on the USS Scorpion SSN-589 web page at Information and pictures of David are on six pages under his name there.
 Address: Ames Muncipal Cemetery 310 E. 9th. St. Ames  IA  50010
 Phone: 520-668-7419
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Memorial Stone For David at the Ames Municipal Cemetery, 310 E. 9th St., Ames, IA

David relaxing at his parents (Vernon and Sybil Stone) house

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