Memorial: US Submarine Veterans Memorial Bench 
US Submarine Veterans Memorial Bench
The Submarine Veterans Bench in the Long Island National Cemetery
On Sunday, 2 November 2008, members of Long Island Base attended the Long Island National Cemetery Veteran's Day Ceremony during which time a Memorial Garden was dedicated. Long Island Base purchased one of four granite sitting benches that were permanently placed in the Memorial Garden . The inscription on the bench reads " US Submarine Veterans." Long Island Base learned of the cemetery's plans to build the park in 2007 from Bill Beach, L.I. Base National Cemetery Chairperson. The other three benches were purchased by a VFW Post, American Legion Post and Rotary Club. The weather couldn't have been better, with the exception of it being a bit chilly. Special recognition goes to those members who sacrificed their time to attend this event. They are: Lenny Sinacore (Base Cdr), Mike Carmody (Base XO/Past Cdr.), Joseph Silverstein (Base COB), Al LaRocca (Base Engineering Officer), Bill "Whitey" Beach (Past Cdr./Nat. Cemetery Liaison Chairperson), Doug Scofield, Jim Garvey and Michael Zemser.
 Address: Long Island National Cemetery Memorial Garden Pinelawn Rd. Farmingdale  NY  11735
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On the Bench L-R Bill Beach and Lenny Sinacore. Standing from l to r are Michael Zemser, Joseph Silverstein (Base COB), Al LaRocca, Jim Garvey and Mike Carmody (Vice Cdr).

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