A Memorial Walk goes from the main memorial area to the Lookout with a great view of Honolulu and Diamond Head. Near the top of the walk on your right is a granite boulder with a brass plaque Memorial to all those who lost their lives in United States Submarines.
Text from John Peters)(Image from Chris Cunha)
The cemetery consists of 112.5 acres in extent. Roughly translated, "Puowaina" means “Consecrated Hill” or “Hill of Sacrifice.” The Punchbowl was the site of many secret Alii (Royal) burials. It was also the place where offenders of certain kapas (taboos) were sacrificed. In the early 1800’s the crater was an important stronghold for Oahu natives who tried in vain to resist the invading Army of Kamehameha when he unified the Hawaiian Islands in 1810. The kingdom established by Kamehameha existed until Queen Lilioukalani was deposed in 1893.