Memorial: Submarine Veterans Memorial Bench 
Submarine Veterans Memorial Bench
The USSVI Topeka-Jefferson City Base of United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. dedicated this Memorial bench in the Olathe, KS Veterans Memorial Park on Veterans Day, 2007
The USSVI Topeka-Jefferson City Base of United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. dedicated this Memorial Bench this park (it's at the SW corner of Old Hwy 56 and S. Harrison St) on Veterans Day, 2007. Two members of USSVI live in Johnson County and are members of the USSVI Topeka-Jefferson City Base. Joe Robinson and Nolan Beatty serve as the organization’s secretary and treasurer, respectively. They wanted to be sure they included all of our shipmates with this bench, so you will find the Subvets of WWII logo as well as USSVI logo along with their base patch to be on the bench. Recently added are Memorial Bricks. John Moore and Bret Cortright have worked together on this project.
 Address: Veterans Memorial Park 300 E. Old US-56 Olathe  KS  66051
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Memorial Bricks by TJC Base Photo by John Moore

USS Sea Fox Brick SS 402 Photo by John Moore

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