Memorial: USS Pintado SS-387 Sail Memorial 
USS Pintado SS-387 Sail Memorial
National Museum of the Pacific War
The National Museum of the Pacific War is located just 70 miles from San Antonio and 75 miles from Austin, the Museum is located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country in historic Fredericksburg.
 Address: National Museum of the Pacific War 340 E Main St Fredericksburg  TX  78624
 Phone: (830) 997-4379
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side view of the conning tower sail on 9 Jul 2003 of the Fleet Submarine Pintado (SS-387) on display in the rear court yard of the National Museum of the Pacific War, located at the intersection of Main Street and Washington Street, in Fredericksburg, Tex

Torpedo Tube #2 inner door from USS Seahorse (SS-304) on display in museum

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