Memorial: USS Sculpin (SS-191) WWII Memorial for the State of Maine 
USS Sculpin (SS-191) WWII Memorial for the State of Maine
Maine Lost Boat Memorial, USS Sculpin SS-191,Located on the Mall of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine. Picture by Debra Kelly
The U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II assigned USS Sculpin (SS-191) to the State of Maine. USS Sculpin SS 191 Monument on the Mall of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine, next to the Squalus- Sailfish Sail installed on 29 July 2006. The USS Sculpin SS-191 was Sunk 19 November, 1943. 21 Men survived the war. USS SCULPIN (SS-191) on her first eight patrols sank nine ships for 42,200 tons and damaged ten, totaling 63,000 tons. Her first patrol off the east coast of the Philippine group resulted in one sinking, the 3,124 ton transport Kanko Maru on 10 January 1942. During her second patrol in the region east of Celebes, she sank a destroyer type vessel and did damage to a light cruiser. Her third patrol was conducted in the Molukka Sea, and SCULPIN damaged a freighter. On her fourth patrol, conducted in the South China Sea, she is credited with having sunk a freighter, damaged another freighter and three tankers. SCULPIN went to the Solomons area for her fifth patrol, and is credited with sinking two large tankers and a transport. She damaged a freighter on this patrol. Going back to the Solomons for her sixth patrol, SCULPIN damaged a tanker. SCULPIN made her seventh patol in May and June 1943 in the Aleutians. Here she sank two small patrol craft and damaged two freighters. On her eighth patrol in the East China Sea, SCULPIN sank a freighter-transport.
 Address: Portsmouth Naval Shipyard By Squalus Memorial Kittery  ME  03801
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On the left in the picture is Maine and N.H. State Commander, Bill Tebo. On the right in the picture is the Late Mike Geletka, National Memorial Fund Director. Picture by Debra Kelly, Shipyard Photographer

USS Sculpin SS-191 May 1943

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