Memorial: USS Wahoo SS-238 WWII Memorial
USS Wahoo SS-238 WWII Memorial
Jason Lee and the Wahoo Memorial on the Courthouse lawn in Wahoo, NE
The memorial to the submarine WAHOO is located on the courthouse lawn in Wahoo. It is a MK 14 torpedo mounted on a concrete base. There is a bronze plaque measuring 24X36", commemoriating the submarine and the crew members lost with her. The memorial faces Highways 30 and 77. This memorial was dedicated by US SubVets WWII on 9-6-62. The original Ship's bell from the WAHOO is kept by the Veterans of Foreign Wars in the Veterans Memorial Building at Wahoo, Nebraska.
433 N. Chestnut St. Wahoo NE 68066-1863
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Wahoo Torpedo and Memorial Plaque were recently refurbished. Here is the Torpedo back on the Base with the cleaned and coated plaque listing the names of all who went down with their boat..
Plaque of all shipmates lost on the USS Wahoo SS-238. This is on the refurbished base that holds the torpedo.
a Memorial