Memorial: Boats built in Ingalls Shipbuilding and 41 Boomers Memorial 
Boats built in Ingalls Shipbuilding and 41 Boomers Memorial
Ingalls Shipbuilding Built Boats
Part of the Tullibee Memorial this memorial Stone lists The 13 boats built in Mississippi at Ingalls Shipbuilding, with Ships Patches and special recognition for the BLUEBACK as the last Diesel boat built for the US Navy Also part of the same Memorial are the 41 for Freedom BoomersA list of all Submarines lost in WWII ...Submarines lost other than in WWII ...Quotes from famous people regarding Submarines and Submariners ...Logos of both Organizations ...Dolphins ...Pictures of a Fleet Boat and a Nuclear Boat surfacing ...The Submariner's Prayer There is also a Memorial Bench information provided by: C. L. "Harv" Harvey Commander, Tullibee Base, USSVI Look here for photos of the Tullibee Memorial
 Address:  3730 Bienville Blvd/Highway 90 E. Ocean Springs  MS  39564
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41 Boomers Memorial Stone

Memorial Bench sits across from the Tullibee Memorial

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