Snug Harbor Holland Club Members 

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# Holland Club: 73
# Total Members: 107
Year Name
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Photo Year Name
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1943George John Herold
USS Finback (SS-230)
1956Robert G. Wright
USS Seawolf (SSN-575)
1950Arthur A Fried
USS Sirago (SS-485)
not posted yet
1957Robert D. Gerren
USS Trutta (SS-421)
1951Charles A Peters
USS Dogfish (SS-350)
1957Hewey E. Smith
USS Amberjack (SS-522)
1951Raymond A Strecker
USS Sea Devil (SS-400)
1957Kenneth James Wiltshire
USS Grampus (SS-523)
1954Joseph E. O'Neill
USS Sealion (SS-315)
1958Daniel P. Higgins
USS Ronquil (SS-396)
1955Bill K Langford
USS Clamagore (SS-343)
1958Guy L. Polley,Jr
USS Ray (SS-271)
1956Jesse B. Davis
USS Quillback (SS-424)
1959David Blumberg
USS Grouper (SS-214)
1956James W Granger
USS Cutlass (SS-478)
1959Myron Elkins
USS Tunny (SS-282)
1956Thomas F Maguire
USS Cavalla (SS-244)
1959Joseph Leo Steckler
USS Capitaine (SS-336)
1956Charles Lee Tompkins
USS Becuna (SS-319)
1960George R Blodgett
USS Skipjack (SSN-585)
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