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# Eternal Patrol: 762
# Total shipmates: 142,824
Shipmate (click to see profile) Shipmate (click to see profile)
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Robert Holman Wilson
Hiawassee, GA
Passed away on 4/26/2024
see Bio & Obituary
Timothy F Beals, QM3(SS)
Charleston, SC
Passed away on 4/25/2024
see Bio & Obituary
Served on: SSBN-631
Thomas Wayne Clarke, Sr., TN(SS)
Fitchburg, MA
Passed away on 4/25/2024
see Bio & Obituary
Served on: SS-409, SSBN-618, SSN-653
Donald Bartholomew
Kahului, HI
Passed away on 4/24/2024
see Bio & Obituary
Thomas H. Peterson III, MSCM(SS)
Summerville, SC
Passed away on 4/24/2024
Joined USSVI: 2008
see Bio & Obituary
Served on: SS-407, SS-350, SSBN-618, SSBN-658
Donald J Partridge, IC1(SS)
Bandon, OR
Passed away on 4/23/2024
see Bio & Obituary
Served on: SS-426, SSBN-636
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