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# Binnacle List: 39

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Shipmate (click to see profile) Shipmate (click to see profile)
Donald Van Borsch, MSC(SS)
West Cola, SC
on Binnacle List on 10/15/2021
Medical Issue: Heart
see details of his condition
Served on: SSBN-623
Other Bases/Associations: USSVI, USSVI-PALMETTO
Randolph D. Browning, YNC(SS)
Lexington, SC
on Binnacle List on 10/15/2021
Medical Issue: PSP
see details of his condition
Served on: SSN-723, SSN-750, SSBN-734
Other Bases/Associations: DAV, USSVI, USSVI-PALMETTO, VFW
Bruce M. McCutcheon, ET1(SS)
Allamuchy, NJ
on Binnacle List on 3/22/2021
Medical Issue: myasthenia gravis
see details of his condition
Served on: SS-324, SSN-578
Thad J Wilcox, ICCS(SS)
Tucson, AZ
on Binnacle List on 7/16/2020
Medical Issue: Heart Surgery/COVID-19
see details of his condition
Served on: SSBN-654, SSBN-619, SSBN-727, SSBN-732
Other Bases/Associations: USSVI, USSVI-TUCSON
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