State Summary 

# Memorials Listed: 257

# of Memorials Listed by State

State # State # State # State # State #
Alabama 4 Hawaii 6 Massachusetts 6 New Mexico 1 South Dakota 2
Alaska 1 Idaho 3 Michigan 5 New York 12 Tennessee 4
Arizona 1 Illinois 6 Minnesota 5 North Carolina 2 Texas 10
Arkansas 5 Indiana 3 Mississippi 6 North Dakota 1 Utah 1
California 27 Iowa 4 Missouri 9 Ohio 3 Vermont 1
Colorado 2 Kansas 4 Montana 1 Oklahoma 2 Virginia 27
Connecticut 5 Kentucky 2 Nebraska 3 Oregon 4 Washington 8
Delaware 1 Louisiana 1 Nevada 2 Pennsylvania 6 West Virginia 2
Florida 11 Maine 3 New Hampshire 7 Rhode Island 1 Wisconsin 4
Georgia 5 Maryland 8 New Jersey 9 South Carolina 7 Wyoming 1
click on a STATE to see submarine memorials or museums located there
After you click on a STATE, you will see a list of submarine memorials or museums (if any are in that state).  You can then click one to see photos, map & driving directions, weather and contact info (phone, website, etc.)